To Maine and Home

Like I mentioned in my previous post, on our second road trip we drove from our home in Indiana all the way to Maine and stopped in every state in between. This included Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and New York. We didn’t do anything other than stop in Ohio, Connecticut, and Rhode Island as we didn’t find anything that we desperately wanted to do and wanted to make sure we had plenty of time for other things in the other states. 

Our first major stop was in Pennsylvania. We started out with a hike called the Hawk Rock which is part of the Appalachian Trail, met some people hiking the full Appalachian Trail, ate dinner from a little cafe, and camped for the night. It was a good start to the trip!

Next we stopped on the New Jersey side of the Statue of Liberty. We relaxed and walked around Liberty State Park. It was all of our first times seeing the Statue of Liberty in person so it was a cool experience for all of us!

In Massachusetts, we met up with some family. We have family on my side that live in Massachusetts and others that rent a house in Cape Cod over the summer. It was nice to spend time with family and visit the beach! We also made sure to visit the local ice cream shop in the evening!

After we said goodbye to our family, we made our way to New Hampshire. We hiked Gunstock Mountain and the trail we chose was tough! It was pretty much straight uphill and it was so steep that even Declan had to take breaks! He never gets tired on a trail. It was exhausting, but so fun! We also found a cute little restaurant to eat at that overlooked Lake Winnipesaukee. The pups enjoyed sharing a plain hamburger and some salmon. 

Once we left New Hampshire, we made our way to Maine. We started our morning in Maine getting Holy Donuts. They had gluten free donuts for me! So good! We then drove to Fort Williams Park. We saw a lighthouse, found tons of different flowers, walked the grounds, and shared some lobster rolls from the Bite Into Maine food truck! We also had a blast in Maine because we stayed at a hotel that night. The only hotel on the trip so it was a nice break from camping and a much needed warm shower for all of us!

We stopped in Vermont after this just for a short stop. We hiked a trail called Mount Peg. It was very quiet and peaceful. We didn’t see another group of people our entire time, just a couple of deer. 

The last stop we made was in New York to see the Niagara Falls. As beautiful as it was, we decided we like chasing more secluded waterfalls. It was very crowded and some spots we didn’t feel as safe as we had wished. We definitely had a great time and are happy we had that experience, but more secluded nature is more our speed. 

Overall, we had a great trip! We saw some amazing views and enjoyed spending time with each other. Have you guys ever visited any of these places? Comment below!


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