Living Cruelty Free

Animals are my life. My pets are my kids, I don't eat meat, and I strive to get everyone to understand more about these creatures around us to promote a more respectful relationship between humans and other animals. Many people have a dog or cat that they share their home with, but don't think twice about buying from companies that conduct animal testing or eating large amounts of unethically produced meat at every meal.

The largest question I ask myself when shopping for new products is, "Is this product tested on animals?" I always look for the Leaping Bunny logo on any beauty, home, or personal care product. This logo ensures that the product and its ingredients have not been tested on animals at any stage of production. The vast majority of main stream cosmetic and household cleaner companies such as Estee Lauder, Procter & Gamble, Clorox, Johnson & Johnson, S.C. Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive, and Unilever do test on animals. Unfortunately, this is only a small portion of the large number of companies that test on animals around the world, but it is not hard to find quality cruelty free alternatives. Check out the Leaping Bunny, Beagle Freedom Project, and PETA for vast lists of companies that are cruelty free and often times vegan as well. 

Animal testing isn't just testing some blush on rats to make sure there is no reaction before people use the final products. It includes animals being physically and verbally abused and murdered. In some instances laboratory dogs are being forced to inhale toxic fumes until 50% of the dogs die in the test. Then those other 50% are either used in the next test or murdered. Cats are being forced to eat pesticides to determine what the toxicity level is. Bunnies are having corrosive chemicals dropped into their eyes to see the reaction. These tests are inhumane and most of them aren't required by law aside from pharmaceuticals. I strongly urge everyone to shop for cruelty free products. It is an easy switch to make, especially since there are so many quality cruelty free companies out there, and you'll be saving countless lives from dying alone in a cage, or literally being tortured to death.

Along with buying only cruelty free products, I urge people to try to eat less meat, or make efforts to purchase meat from an ethical farm. I personally don't eat meat, but my husband does and our pups eat a raw diet. I buy all of the meat from White Oak Pastures that is an ethical farm that believes that meat is part of the human diet, but cruelty isn't. Always try to buy meat that you can trace directly to a specific farm that you can do research on their animal welfare practices. If you can't find a local farm or farm that will deliver, look for a Certified Humane logo or a Global Animal Partnership logo. While these logos do not guarantee a cruelty free process completely, the farms will be much more humane than buying from large companies such as Tyson or Perdue which are notorious for being some of the cruelest meat companies in the business. Along with purchasing ethically raised and butchered meat, I strongly suggest everyone eat less meat. Just cutting back to two portions from three portions of meat a day can make a huge difference. Then hey, maybe you will start to cut out more as time goes on?

Animals are not on this Earth for us to use and abuse. They are living beings with families, emotion, and knowledge. I fully believe in the circle of life, and that wasn't meant to include needless animal testing and butchering animals for consumption by tossing them into a grinder alive, or squashing them in compactors. I included some very powerful videos below. If you don't believe any of this, please watch them and it might influence your view on shopping ethically. Please feel free to comment any questions or suggestions below!


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